1. Avoid strenuous activity for the remainder of the day. Routine, nonstrenous activity is not harmful, unless otherwise directed.  Smoking and alcohol consumption delay the wound healing process and should be avoided for 3 days following surgery.
  1. It is essential that you maintain an adequate diet with proper solid and fluid intake during the first 3 days following surgery. In addition to fruit juices, soups and other soft foods, liquid food supplements are recommended.  (Liquid food supplements are readily available in food outlets and include such products as Ensure Slim-Fast, Borden’s Milk Supplement, etc.)
  1. Avoid manipulation of the facial tissues as much as possible. Do not raise the lip or retract the cheeks to inspect the surgical site as you may dislodge the sutures (stitches).
  1. Some oozing of blood from the surgical site is normal during the day and evening of surgery. Slight swelling and facial skin discoloration (bruising) may be experienced.  This is temporary, and will resolve on its own in a few days.
  1. To minimize the above, apply and ice bag with firm pressure to the face directly over the surgical site. You should apply the ice bag alternately 20 minutes on, 20 minutes off, for 6 to 8 hours following surgery.  After 8 hours, the ice bag should not be applied.  Frequent moist heat applications to the face are recommended on the first and second post-surgical days.  (24 hours following the surgery.
  2. Post surgical discomfort should be minimal, but the surgical site will be tender and sore. For this reason you should follow the analgesic (pain pill) regimen prescribed by your doctor.
  3. The sutures (stitches) that have been placed must be removed to ensure proper healing. It is important that you return at the appointed time for suture removal
  4. Rinse with one tablespoon of Chlorhexidine mouth rinse twice each day for 5 days following surgery.
  5. Recall visits are necessary. These are short appointments that are very important to monitor the progress of healing.  A reminder postcard will be sent out in 6 months following your surgery. We may ask you to return for additional recall appointments as well.


Should any complications arise, do not hesitate to call 859-647-0006 during office hours or 859-445-3684 on weekends or evenings 




Avoid strenuous activity for the remainder of the day.  Avoid smoking and alcohol for the next 3 days.

You can have fruit juices, soups and other soft foods, liquid food supplements are recommended.

( Ensure, Slim fast, Borden’s Milk Supplements, etc.)

It is important that you not raise the lip or retract the cheek to inspect the surgical area.  You could dislodge the sutures (stitches).

Some oozing of blood from the surgical area is normal for the first day.  Also, slight swelling and facial skin discoloration (bruising) may be experienced.

Apply ice bag with firm pressure to the face directly over the site.  Alternate 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off for the first 6 to 8 hours after surgery.  After 8 hours use moist heat to the face for the first and second days following surgery.

Discomfort should be minimal, but site will be tender and sore.

It is important to return at the appointed time for suture removal.

Rinse with 1 tablespoon of Chlorhexidine twice a day for 5 days following surgery.

Should any complication arise, do not hesitate to call 859-647-0006 during office hours or 859-445-3684 on weekends or evening.

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