Debunking Root Canal Myths: Separating Fact from Fiction

Root canals have long been the subject of numerous myths and misconceptions. These misunderstandings often lead to fear and anxiety among patients who may require this common endodontic procedure. At Kentucky Endodontics, we believe in providing accurate information to help patients make informed decisions about their dental care. In this blog post, we will debunk some of the most prevalent root canal myths and separate fact from fiction.

Myth 1: Root canals are extremely painful

Fact: One of the most widespread myths surrounding root canals is that they are excruciatingly painful. In reality, advancements in dental techniques and anesthesia have made root canals no more uncomfortable than getting a standard dental filling. The purpose of a root canal is to relieve tooth pain caused by infection or inflammation in the dental pulp, not to inflict pain upon the patient.

Myth 2: Root canals cause illness or other health problems

Fact: There is a popular belief that root canals can lead to various health issues, ranging from heart disease to arthritis. However, this claim has no scientific basis. Multiple studies and extensive research have disproven any causal relationship between root canals and systemic health problems. Root canals are a safe and effective procedure for treating infected or damaged teeth.

Myth 3: It’s better to extract the tooth than to get a root canal

Fact: Saving your natural tooth should always be the first choice whenever possible. Extracting a tooth may seem like a quick and easy solution, but it can have long-term consequences for your oral health and overall well-being. By preserving the natural tooth through a root canal, you maintain proper chewing function, prevent neighboring teeth from shifting, and avoid the need for more extensive dental procedures, such as dental implants or bridges.

Myth 4: Root canals require multiple visits

Fact: While some complex cases may require multiple visits, the majority of root canals can be completed in a single appointment. Advances in technology and endodontic techniques have significantly streamlined the root canal process, allowing for more efficient and timely treatment. Your endodontist will assess the complexity of your case and provide you with a treatment plan that suits your specific needs.

Myth 5: Root canals are only necessary when you experience pain

Fact: Pain is a common symptom that indicates the need for a root canal, but it is not the only indication. Other signs, such as sensitivity to hot or cold, swelling, gum tenderness, or a persistent pimple-like bump on the gums, may also indicate the need for a root canal. Regular dental check-ups and X-rays help identify potential issues before they cause significant pain or discomfort.

Myth 6: Extraction is always cheaper than a root canal

Fact: While the initial cost of extracting a tooth may seem lower than that of a root canal, the long-term costs associated with tooth replacement can be significantly higher. Dental implants, bridges, or dentures, which are often needed to fill the gap left by an extracted tooth, can be more expensive and require additional procedures. Root canals are a cost-effective solution that preserves your natural tooth and avoids the need for extensive restorative work.


By debunking these common root canal myths, we hope to alleviate any misconceptions and fears surrounding this important dental procedure. Root canals are a safe, effective, and often painless treatment option that can save your natural tooth and restore your oral health. If you have any concerns or questions about root canals or any other endodontic procedures, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with our experienced team at Kentucky Endodontics. Remember, accurate information is the key to making informed decisions about your dental care.

Northern Kentucky Endodontics is a specialized dental practice focused on providing endodontic treatments and services. They emphasize the importance of preserving natural teeth and offer root canal treatments as an alternative to extraction. The practice is staffed by highly trained endodontists, Dr. J. Eric Walden DMD, MS, PLLC who have undergone advanced training beyond general dentistry. Their website serves as a resource for patients, providing information on various treatments, post-operative instructions, and educational videos. Patients can also access services such as evaluation, root canal treatment, retreatment, apicoectomy, dental extraction, dental implants, IV sedation, PRP platelet-rich plasma, and sinus lift/augmentation. The practice is committed to delivering high-quality care and ensuring patients feel comfortable and informed about their dental treatment decisions.

Northern Kentucky Endodontics

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